Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

I love complicated stories about people and places. Stories that show connections and threads in a chaotic world.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Student Book Competition

AID students, this may be of interest for those who like to create artist books. Check out the Nebraska Book Arts Center website.

For full details and an entry form, go to

Heart and Hands 2, a second national juried student book art exibition, will showcase the best examples of the broad range of books being made by graduate and undergraduate students in accredited academic institutions.

Books, not slides, will be juried by book artist Timothy Ely, whose books have been exhibited and are part of museum and library collections all over the world.

Entries must be received between October 2 and October 13, 2006.
Notification of Acceptance and return of books not selected by December 1,2006
Return of books not purchased by March 1, 2007.
$1200+ in Purchase Awards (Accepted entries must be available for sale.)

Books completed between June 1, 2004 and October 1, 2006 are eligible.

Exhibit dates:
November & December 2006 at UNL Love Library, Lincoln, Nebraska
January 2007 Omaha Public Library
February 2007 UNO Library, Omaha, Nebraska


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